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Take a break

Just breathe….

Do you feel overwhelmed by the amount of tasks you should do in a day? Do you feel burnt out? Empty? Just fed up?

Grab a cup of coffee or tea, get comfy and join me for this ride.

You came to the right place. It’s not easy to handle everything on your own, and you don’t have to. Sometimes we just need a break. A break from work, life, mood.

But how can I get it? Can I have some me time without feeling guilty? Absolutely YES!

Set time ahead in your calendar for breaks during the day, and during the week too. Will things go out of control if you have 15 minutes for yourself 3 times a day? Will the earth stop and break apart? NO. Just hear me out: NO. YOU DESERVE IT! So schedule in 15 minutes for the morning, lunchtime and evening just for yourself. You can have it and you will! It is your privilege. Everyone needs it. You can just close your eyes and relax, do meditation, listen to music, read, eat a cookie, do nothing, do whatever you prefer, just do it for yourself.

Ask for help. Seriously. Do you have too many tasks to do on your own? Ask your partner, a friend, a colleague. Learn to delegate. You just have to find the way to ask it nice, but firmly. You don’t know how to do it? For example, ask your partner, kids, roomate: “Hey, I’d like to ask for some help, as I really have to finish xyz today and I’m in lack of time, you would save my day. Could you please help me out with doing the dishes? separating the clothes in the laundry? taking out the garbage? I’m really thankful that I can count on you.”

This way you asked for help and already told you are grateful for it, which is a positive feedback and gets a higher chance for a positive response. And always always always thank for the help, it will come automatically later, because who doesn’t want to be helpful after that?

Still have no clue how to start these discussions? Need help in your workflow too? Book a coaching session to get professional help.

Stop procrastinating. Did you ever feel "oh there are so many things I shall do I don't even want to start" and then you just did useless things while getting anxious abiut your growing to do list? Sounds familiar? Time flies by. Yepp, specially when we are procrastinating and don’t get things done. Then it will all fall upon us and you will feel overwhelmed. Use a calendar, app, whichever you fancy and start managing your time. This way you will see what's ahead, what is essential to do or what can be scheduled for another appointment. Don't forget to add in the breaks for your days, and a lazy day too for the week when you just hang out with family and friends.

If you hace no clue how start time managment, as a coach I am more than happy to help you out with that.

Did you get stuck, bored, burnt out at work? Have a career reset. Take a day off, relax and follow these tips.

Think about your job as a hobby, not as a chore. Write a list about the things you like in your carreer. Remember why you started working there? Then make a game plan. Are there any fields you could get better at? Can you help more people? Can you do a task faster or in a more efficient way? If you were an outsider would you have new ideas how to develop the business? Think about these, write about them, dream about them, fantasize, get outside your comfort zone, think outside the box, check how others do and find a different and outstanding way. You will be surprized. And when you start implementing these tips, you'll have more and more free time and capacity.

If you still feel meh, you know the answer: get in contact with me :)

Share with me if you try any of these tips or found them useful, I'm more than happy to hear about your tips in my DMs. Follow for more on Instagram.


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