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How to cut calories the smart way

First of all do you need to cut calories? If yes, than how much?

Diets don't really work on the long run, that is why I always say that you need to change habits and create a new lifestyle.

If you wish to lose some weight, you are probably familiar with diets. Did it solve the problem? If you are reading this post, than I bet the answer is no. Cutting calories can often backfire. We have the motivation at the first 2-3 days/weeks, than we get tired, hangry, devastated. Sounds familiar?

The most common mistake is to cut calories with a huge ratio. But that will result in you always being hungry. Your stomach is a muscle, which can expand and shrink, but until it gets smaller you will always feel the urge to eat more. Also your hormone system will send starvation mode signals to your brain, which will make it more difficult.

(photo: Unsplash)

So the smart way and

RULE #1 - cut the calories with max 500 kcal, or less.

500 kcal deficit can result in 1 pound (0.5 kg) loss per week. You can start with 100-200 kcal per day, and add on gradually, but never go over the 500 limit.

RULE #2 - Drop the empty calories

We usually think we eat less than the reality is, and tend to over bet the amount of calories we use with an exercise. Tracking your macros for a few days or weeks can help in the guessing game. Writing a food diary can also be a great help, you don't need to weight exactly each item, just write down every single bite and drink. You will see, there will be some sugary drinks, snacks, which could probably be avoided. Also choose the cooking method wisely: air fry instead of oil, cook with water instead of oil (1 tbsp oils is almost a 100 kcal), eat your pop corn without butter (add spices for flavour), etc.

RULE #3 - fill up with fiber

A lot of people eat less fiber than they should (25 g/day). You can up this number by eating more veggies and fruit, and a good way is to use the "plate method": fill 50% of the plate with veggies (the bigger the variety the better), 25% with whole grains, and 25% with protein. Keep in mind, that meat doesn't contain any fibre at all, so if you are following a keto or low carb diet, than it is highly possible you don't get enough of it. You can always add greens, which are low calorie but high fiber, and load up the volume with it. Add high fiber foods to your meal plan (e.g., apples, barley, green beans, cauliflower, oats), it will keep you fuller for longer.

RULE #4 - mealprep

Eating out most of the times is a risky challenge with calories, as you don't really know what's in your food, or how it is exactly prepared. I love to plan ahead for the week, checking on Sundays what's in my pantry, and look up some recipe ideas based on those ingredients. I usually meal prep for 2 days ahead, that way my meals can stay fresh and don't go to waste. Also I prefer eating a variety, if I have to eat the same foods every day of the week I get bored and have a high chance to order something else instead.

If you liked these ideas follow for more trips and tricks on instagram: freeyourwoman or get an online coaching session with me


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