Hope you have a good day today.
As it is the beginning of July we officially arrived to the second half of the year. Many people tend to make new year's resolutions in January, to lose weight, get a new job, buy something meaningful for yourself, etc. and then we tend not to do half of them. And when we reach second half of the year we can feel the pressure that we didn't achieve these goals.
But hey, listen, nobody is perfect, we all can fail. There are some steps though which you can apply to have a half year reset and not feel totally a failure. What are these?
Re-check your January goals. Which were these? Did you complete any of them? If yes, than celebrate them. Are the rest of it still relevant to your life now?
Grab a notebook and write your current list of goals. How many do you have? You can go long or short, go deep into all aspects of your life: health, wealth, family, relationship, home, job, education... Though I have to say a lot of people tend to fall into the mistake of wanting to change and reach too many things is advance, But here comes tip nr 3 saving the day.
Check again your list and categorize those goals. Than pick the most important goal from each category. Now you are probably down to 5-6 goals depending on where you are in your life. Check them carefully and think about them for a while.
Chose your 3 top goals which are the most important. Are they long term? short term? Be honest, if you have for example more than 5 kg on you that you wish to lose it won't be a one month project (it didn't come up overnight, right?)
Now start to make an action plan what you need to do to reach your goals? Make a plan for the 3 top priorities, than for some of the others, if you want. Set a timeline, write out the steps for them, look up solutions online (no quick fixes, only real solutions), see how other people made it happen and pick one method which is closest to your situation. Set realistic milestones and you can also decide how you will mini celebrate them when you get there.
If you feel that you usually start with high energies for some weeks, then you are loosing that motivation, than find someone to hold you accountable. Maybe it is your partner, best friend, family member, someone who has similar goals, or it can be an online community, facebook group. You can also make a youtube channel or an instagram page where you post your achievements, and yes there will be haters, negative comments, trolls, set yourself up for that, but the amount of love and support you can get from different people can really compensate that out. Also you can find people with the same struggles, you can help each other out, maybe you get a better solution along the way that you could thought of in the first place.
Set your why to each of your goals. It has to be something that motivates you, gets you in the move, picks you up on your lowest days, because no one can make the move instead of you, and nobody can help you keep motivated if you don't want to. You are your best friend no matter what happens 24/7. Write your motivation next to each of your goals in red or somehow highlighted and revisit them every day, or as frequently as needed. Never forget, YOU DO THIS FOR YOU. Nothing else matters. Prioritise yourself, be a little selfish. It is okay to fail, to make mistakes, to set back for a while, but always turn back to where you stopped and go on.
Have me-time every single day. There are no excuses. You have to carve out at least 30 minutes per day for yourself, to check your progress, what could you do better, meditate, journal, move, put on a facemask, go on a date with yourself (visit places you've never been to like museums, make a fancy meal, dance, have a glass of vine, go for a walk) or just simply relax, this time is only for you. It will help calm your mind, reset your energy, get motivated again.
Plan, plan, plan. Nowadays everyone seems to be too busy to do things, running around like a headless chicken. Plan your day, next day, next week ahead, have a calendar, set timelines. When people have set deadlines we tend to perform better, because we know we have to finish that task till that date. But don't overdo it. Always pick some easier ones which you know you can achieve easily, that will hype up your productivity level, when you see them on your list, and than pick a big one.
Declutter your life. I know, I know, you can't even hear anything else nowadays than minimalism, and it can seem to be unachievable for many people. Don't worry I won't tell you to get rid of the 90% of your belongings in a week (you can if you wish, but let's be real). You can declutter for 5 minutes every day, or during the day where you see something that you don't need any more just put it in a box and decide about it later weather it goes into trash, for charity, or as a present for someone who can use it more. Also declutter not only the physical aspects of your life but your tasks. Is there something your can get help with (like cleaning your home, finish a task at work), but you always say, ah it is better and quicker if I do it myself? Remember what I told you earlier: be a little selfish. Ask your family members, friends, co-workers to help with it, it won't make you look weak. Delegate tasks which could be done by others or has to be done by others (for example at work, yes I made that mistake too to do it all by myself).

+1 Educate yourself: never underestimate a good book, video, podcast, online group which is about the topics you are interested in. Learn something new every week, or every month. When you read a book or listen to someone, take notes, have a specific notebook for that and revisit from time to time the things that you found important. That way these doesn't go to waste and won't be something that just take up your time again. Finally here are some of my goals for the rest of the year:
1. I would like to move abroad. Although last years the pandemic has made it almost impossible I never gave up on that, still saving up for the move, being active in facebook groups where I can get a lot of information from and get motivated when I see the success stories.
2. Get fitter. I'm already seeing some results since January, had a little plateau in the last 2 month due to an injury and lack of sports, but still eating healthy most of the time and it won't hold me back. Slow progress is progress too.
3. Running a full marathon. That was also set back, but I made the half marathon already and started to get back on track in the last weeks, so that I can return to the plan and accomplish that till around September (fingers crossed for me).
4. Get a better position. I love my job but there is no possibility for me at this company for further development, so need to find something that can have more challenges. So actively working on my business to make it world wide available online and be able to travel full time and be my own boss.
Some of my current favourite books to read:
The 12 week year,
Atomic habits,
Can't hurt me - master your mind,
The daily stoic,
The power of when
Hope you enjoyed reading these tips and can find them helpful. If you do then please don't hesitate to share it, or if you have any other solutions in mind, tips, tricks, book or podcast recommendations send them to me please. DM me or contact via social media.