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How to really change your life

That sound catchy ha? Yes I hope so.

You can think oh now here comes the advice tsunami how to eat a healthy diet, how to motivate yourself, how to work out harder, how to work more....

Actually no. All these advices can be useful, maybe catch your mind for a while, and maybe you are trying them. Also maybe you succeed with them. But the truth is, that these are usually not permanent changes. When a diet ends we go back to eating "normal" again. We begin to get lazier with our workouts. What if I just miss this one? And another one. None of a big deal. Than you catch yourself being back to the starting point or worse.

(photo Unsplash)

How to actually avoid this? The secret here is that the change has to come from you. If you don't change from the inside, these surface things won't stuck. You need to change yourself, your mentality. Are you a party girl wanting to be a business woman? Are you a bit chubby wanting to be fitter? You need to change your prospective on things. You need to see yourself differently. Examine your key behaviours and take them apart from another point of view. Try to see them as you are another person. What would you change in that person? What advice would you give her? You need to reflect on the consequences of your current actions.

Feel the need of the change and want it as much as you want to breathe. If you can complain about it, but don't do anything, it doesn't hurt enough yet. Do you want that shift enough? Are you willing to do what you need to?

And here comes tip number 2: a goal without a plan is just a dream. Make a plan. Break it down into baby steps. Do you have all the sources you need for it? If no, than what else do you need? How can you get that? If you have everything than make a timeline, be real, and be realistic about that change. You won't turn into a business woman, a fit person, a hard learner overnight. It takes time. It takes courage. It takes action. It takes planning.

If you ever feel stuck than seek for help. Turn to a friend, teacher, coach, to other people who already succeeded in that area, because if others could make it, you can make it. Believe in yourself. You are capable of it. And I know this. You also know it deep down inside, you just come up with excuses.

But what if you won't come up with those theories of fear? What if you just jump in and do it? What is the worst case scenario? Is it really the end of the world? Or is it just in your mind? Because here's the fact. Our mind is constantly working on survival. We make a decision, in 5 seconds (!!!!) it will switch to survival mode as it processes the decision. And it starts to question whether it is the right one? will it hurt? will it hurt others? will you survive? can you avoid it? how could you avoid it? And that's when we come up with excuses.

And tip nr 3: look around you and the people surrounding you. Are they a positive or a negative effect on your life. Do they really support you on your journey? If you feel like someone would hold you back you can always say no to these relationships. Even family. Even friends. Your vibe attracts your tribe, so if you start acting differently you will attract people who are on the same page as your new you. And that would make things so much easier. You will have a support group, mentor group. I don't say you have to be rude to anyone or just ditch all your friends and family. Just tell them "hey this is my goal, I really want to focus on it from now on and I need your support with it, can you please do this for me?" It can turn out that they want a change too and you can help each other out.

So make the change in yourself that your want to see on the outside. How do you want to impact the world around you? If you have more tips on this topic, or just need help, follow me on social media or contact me through DM. I'd love to see the old and the new you.

Follow me for more tips on IG freeyourwoman or sign up for a coaching session with me.


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