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The 12-week year goal setting

One of my favourite books is by Brian P. Moran - Michael Lennington: The 12 week year.

It helped me to achieve more in 3 month than ever in a year. Why?

Because we all do more when we have a set deadline. Have you ever been in a situation, when you had to finish a presentation, write a speech, read a book and review it? Yepp we are usually procrastinating till the very last possible minute and do the hard work when the house is on fire.

Wouldn't it be easier to make some effort every day? What if you would know exactly how much and plan accordingly? Sounds good? Let1s jump in how.

Most of the businesses and corporations setting goals at the beginning of the financial year, and we as person usually set goals as new year resolutions. Always one year.... and another one gone and nothing happened, or just a rest of it. But where did it all go wrong?

First of all one year is a very long period, unless you see the future, you don't know what miracles could happen to you in this time, and flip your life upside down. 3 months is a more manageable setting.

- you have a much limited time frame

- smaller, more realistic goals

- measurable results

- more chance to check and adjust the game plan

When you have yearly goals set, we tend to fall into the mistake that months and months go by and around September or October we just shake our heads and think about where the time has gone? why didn't I achieve these goals already? can I do it till the end of the year? or just let it go and set it again for next year?

The thing is, even if the biggest part of the year flew by, you don't have to worry. Why? Because it is never too late to start and achieve something (it is always better than nothing, isn't it?). You will have your 12 weeks period ahead, no matter if it is Monday or Friday you can count the days from there. Do we even want to wait till next week, next month, next year? Definitely a big old NOOOO.

Always start today. Is it afternoon already you said? And than what?


Even if it is just planning, you prepare your mind for getting ready and go, and believe me, it will get you in the mood, and as you step your foot in the flow nothing's gonna stop you from there.

So now grab a paper, notebook, planner, whatever works for you and break your life into sections.

Inspect all the fields (love life, work, health, travel, any main categories) and write some changes you'd like to see in the future.

Then pick one, and start thinking about a time frame. Is it realistic? Be honest with yourself so you won't fail.

Pick apart that timeline into 3 months sections. What results would you like to see in the first 12 weeks? Again, be realistic.

Now you have the time frame, and the part goal, then start taking it apart.

- Can I do something for it to happen today? I'm sure you can.

- What steps shall I take this first week to succeed? No matter which day of the week it is when you started, set that day every single week to check upon yourself.

Are you seeing the results happening after a week, or two? Are you on the right path?

If not, than what could be the problem?

Do you need to adjust the plan?

Or if you don't see the problem who could you ask?

There is always help, research on the internet, ask a friend or a family member to have a different view of it, maybe they see the cause if they are not so much involved in it, or look for a professional help.

If you found these tips helpful, or you already implemented it in your life, please DM me your success story so I can share it with others. I'd love to here from you soon.

If you are struggling with planning or execution, than book a coaching session, I'd be happy to help.


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