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What's in season? Fruits of fall for better health

As the crisp autumn air comes in, nature decorates itself with a vibrant colors, and the harvest season graces us with an abundance of delightful fall fruits. These fruits not only fill our kitchens with delicious flavors but also bring a sense of warmth and comfort during this transitional season. Let's see which are the best choices in these month for a balanced eating.

1. Apples: No discussion of fall fruits is complete without mentioning apples. Crisp, sweet, and versatile, apples take center stage during the autumn months. From classic pies to simple snacks, this fruit embodies the essence of fall. Whether you prefer tanginess or sweetness, apples offer a wide variety of flavors to please every palate. They are full of fiber, which keeps you full, and with a small acidity helps digestion.

Fun fact: they are floating on water, becasue 25% of them is air.

2. Pears: with their tender and juicy flesh, are another autumn gem. They range from subtly sweet to aromatic and slightly spicy. Pears can be enjoyed fresh, added to salads, or baked into delicious desserts, enhancing the flavors of the season. They contain several nutrients such as antioxidants and flavonoids. Foods that can reduce free radicals and may have anti-inflammatory properties that can promote good health. Adding spices can make them more flavourful, and elevate the health benefits. My favourites are cinnamun and nutmeg to pair with.

Fun fact: Pears are a part of the rose family. Pear tree wood is often times used to construct musical instruments, furniture, and other wooden décor.

3. Grapes: Fall is also the grape harvest season, and vineyards come alive with activity. Grapes, both

red and green, offer a burst of sweetness, often called nature's candy. They can be enjoyed as a wholesome snack, pressed into rich, flavorful wines, or dried to create raisins, a popular topping for fall salads and oatmeal. Extracts from grape seeds are used for medicinal and beauty purposes. They actually contain more than a quarter (27%) of the vitamin C you need in a day. Grapes are also high in vitamin K, and they contain no fat or cholesterol.

Fun fact: Grape seed oil helps with the prevention of premature aging and promotes younger-looking skin. This is the result of the collagen in the body bonding with "procyanidins" found in grape seed extract. Collagen is a vital factor in healthy cells and promotes elasticity of the skin.

4. Pomegranates: Breaking open a pomegranate reveals the ruby-red seeds, each bursting with a sweet and slightly tangy flavor. Pomegranates are not only delicious but also packed with antioxidants and nutrients. They can be sprinkled over salads, stirred into yogurt, or juiced for a refreshing beverage. A perfect balance between sweet and tart, making the fruit at home in both sweet and savory dishes widely used in the mediterranian areas. With the high vitamin C content it helps with good bone structure, and health of blood vessels. Aids the absorption of iron in the body, also contain antioxidant compounds, such as quercetin and anthocyanins, which repair cell damage caused by oxidative stress. One cup of pomegranate juice a day can lower blood pressure.

Fun fact: The word pomegranate means apple with many seeds. One pomegranate can hold more than 1,000 seeds.

5. Figs: with their unique sweet taste and soft texture, are a late summer to early fall treat. They're enjoyed fresh, dried, or incorporated into various dishes. They can be used as a natural sweetener for any dish, sweet or savory. They help digestion, sometimes used for curing constipation. they contain a high amount of vitamin K, however, if you are on blood thinning medication be cautious, they can interfere with it. They contain as much calcium as milk.

Fun fact: the early Olympic athletes used figs as a training food. Figs were also presented as laurels to the winners, becoming the first Olympic “medal.”

Each of these fall fruits not only brings delicious flavors but also a unique and delightful element to the table. As you wander through local orchards and markets, be sure to savor the taste of fall and appreciate the beauty that this season so generously bestows upon us.

I hope you enjoyed, not just the health and nutrition facts, but also the fun facts about these fruit. For more tips and facts join our Instagram community, or sign up for a 1:1 consultation with me.


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