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Why are we getting more and more obese

Obesity is a massive problem nowadays, it's considered as an illness. Unfortunately not only adults are involved, but a lot of children too with several health issues, topped with bullying in school.

But why don't we do something to change it? Why is it possible to spread that fast? Why is it not treated as a disease or virus when it is killing more people than cancer?

Well that's a multi-layer problem.

It all starts with the food we put into our bodies. Nowadays in most countries we don't have a food shortage. We can have more than enough of anything, and we want to have it.

Problem nr 1: today's foods are ultra processed, killing all the nutrients within them replacing with artificial ingredients. These things made in a lab have major effect on our taste buds, digestive system and brain functions, reproduction, etc.

How can you avoid it? By including more raw ingredients like fruits, veggies, nuts and seeds, and make your meals at home.

Problem nr 2: Even the fruits and veggies don't contain as much vitamins and nutrients as years before. The cause of that is that we are depleting the dirt we are growing our food in with all the pesticides and poisons to "protect" the plants. After World War II they had many leftover biogas and toxic chemicals, which they couldn't use any more. So the industry turned them into chemicals to use on the fields to kill of bugs. Biodiversity of the soil is dying off and this is the biggest factor that causes global warming. Healthy soil can use up the carbon-dioxide and turn it into food for your plants (recommended to watch the movie The Need To GROW with Michael Smith).

How to fix it: buy local and if you can than organic or bio without the use of any added toxic materials. You can add superpowders to your foods or smoothies, that contain more nutrients in a smaller portion.

Problem nr 3: fitness culture and industry. They are trying to sell the idea of a perfect body, which is usually only perfect on pictures. These models have insecurities too and parts of their body they would change. Don't fall for the regime of supplements, diet pills, shakes, diet plans which are not personalized. One magic pill will not work for all. And if you take the wrong supplement, you can damage your health seriously.

How to fix it: if you tried everything but still not seeing the results, then please turn to a professional. Get your health condition checked if there are any underlaying problems, get to know your body type and the right meal plan for you personalized. You can get tips on how to overcome a platou, or a slip up in your diet without giving up.

Problem nr 4: medical care. How would they sell all the pills and charge you all the bills for medical care if you would be healthy? How can a doctor solve your health issues if they are not looking at it holisticly and only examining one part of the body?

The pharmacy industry is not interested in your health rather in their wealth. Have you ever noticed that if you take a pill for something it will have side effects, and then you get another pill for that problem too, and the list goes on? I don't say medicine is the enemy, because there are times you need it, and medical care can help save lifes. But in many cases they are just masking symptoms instead of solving the root problem.

How to fix it: don't settle with one answer, get more opinions, educate yourself, ask questions from your doctors, they are there to answer them. Try to live a healthy balanced life, with nutritious foods, and workouts to keep you muscle and bone strength. Quit smoking, limit alcohol intake, sleep more and eliminate as many stress causes you can.

Problem nr 5: mental health. This is the most important of all. As much as we can say that losing weight shall be as easy as calories in and out, or move more eat less, it is mainly a mental game. When you wake up obese, look in the mirror and hate what you see, than you can easily get depressed and turn to food as comfort. This is a never ending spiral for many people which ends sadly with morbid obesity and death.

The other step is where you get up look in the mirror, hate what you see and decide to change. but then comes something in life that makes you sad, angry, anxious, or hard to deal with and you again turn to food as comfort. Then you say okay I slipped so now it is over, I can eat what ever I want, I will never lose the weight. Ends the same way.

How to fix it: only you can get over yourself mentally. No one can do it for you. But you need to know some facts:

- it will be hard, but not impossible. Others did it, you can too

- it is okay to fail, just don't give up, move forward, one cheat meal or cheat day won't cancel out all the good you did

- you can always get help, it is not a shame. You can do research online for meal ideas, workouts, success stories, join a group where people hype each other up, or go to a professional. Depending on where you are in your journey I would always recommend to get checked out by a doctor for physical health issues and only start a diet if it is safe for you based on your condition. If you don't have serious health problems, then you can ask help of a nutritionist or health coach. To sign up for a free trial consultation book here.

Hope these tips help you on your journey. if you need a kickstart come join our community on Instagram, or book a consultation for a coaching session with me.


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