Hands up if you are through at least 20 diets. Guilty here! We are thought from a young age that skinny is beautiful. But don't be too skinny. 90-60-90 was the ideal body type for a long time, and these toxic thoughts are implanted in our head.
I loved the new Barbie film that breaks these rules. Also love that women nowadays started focusing on health and strength instead of what society sets us as an example.
Dieting has become a cultural phenomenon, often seen as a means to achieve the ideal body and not always a healthier lifestyle. However, many individuals find themselves trapped in a cycle of restrictive diets, fearing to let go. Let's explore the psychology behind this fear and how breaking free from dieting can lead to a happier, more balanced life.
1. Familiarity and control: Dieting provides the feeling of structure and rules, offering a false perception of control over your body and food choices. The fear of letting go comes from the uncertainty of what life would be like without these familiar guidelines. Many factors can change over time (age, state of health, hormone balance) that these rules do not follow and do not take into account.
2. Social pressure and body image: Society often sets unrealistic body standards, linking them to self-worth and acceptance. Fear of letting go of diets is fueled by the worry that being different from these standards might lead to judgment or rejection of others. But if you are honest with yourself and look around your friends and loved ones who loves you only for your body type?
3. Emotional comfort zone: For many people dieting becomes a coping mechanism for dealing with emotions and stress. The fear of letting go lies in the concern that without dieting, they'll lose a tool for managing their emotional struggles. If you have control over one part of your life, it can give you the sense of having control over other things too. But does it really affect the rest of your life? Or are there other tools your already have to manage certain aspects? As much as dieting can strengthen will power, it can also turn into a harmful behaviour.
4. Diet culture reinforcement: Diet culture bombards us with messages that being in a smaller body is equated to happiness, success, and health. The fear of letting go is influenced by the constant repetation of these messages, making us hesitant to break free. What if I stop it and peaople won't accept me? What if the trendy clothes won't fit me? But are they really fit your style? It is always better to choose those that are comfy and look good on you, not what's in the magazines. Why do we want to look all the same?
5. Perceived health benefits: Despite the negative effects of restrictive diets, they're often associated with short-term health improvements. The belief that abandoning diets may compromise perceived health benefits can cause fear to let them go. But resctriction can often lead to more negative effects than positive.
6. Fear of weight gain: One of the most common fears is the potential for weight gain. Dieting is often seen as a way to maintain or achieve a certain body weight.
How to overcome the fear and let go:
Educate yourself: Understand that long-term dieting is often ineffective and can be detrimental to both physical and mental health. Knowledge is power, and learning about intuitive eating and balanced nutrition can cancel fears.
Seek professional guidance: consult a nutritionist, health coach, registered dietitian or therapist who specializes in intuitive eating and body image. They can guide you through the process of breaking free from dieting and help you develop a healthier relationship with food and your body. Learning healthy eating patterns can be more helpful and effective on the long run.
Practice self-love: Be gentle with yourself throughout this process. Letting go of dieting is a journey, not an overnight transformation. Practice self-compassion and celebrate the progress you make, no matter how small. Set milestones and be grateful for every achievements.
Surround yourself with support: Connect with people who are also on the path to breaking free from dieting. Having a supportive community can provide encouragement and motivation to keep going. Join our family on Instagram and lets support each other. You can also talk about your journey with friends and family so they can understand what your are going through and help on your path.
Focus on overall well-being: Shift your focus from weight to overall well-being. Engage in enjoyable physical activities, nourish your body with a variety of foods, and prioritize mental health through mindfulness and stress-reducing practices. You will be surprised how much it helps, and leads to a much healthier and happier you.
Breaking free from dieting can be challenging, but it's a step towards a healthier, and more fulfilling life. Letting go of the fear and embracing a balanced, intuitive approach to eating is a journey worth taking. It is not easy, but I'm here to help you. As someone who has already gone through every diet on the planet, and then learned to love myself and my body, I can tell you from my own experience about how much it worth it and helps. Also can guide you through the ups and downs if necessary.
If you are interested in building a healthier relationship with your body, than come and join us on Instagram, or book a free 1:1 consultation with me.